Managed By: Shree Dakshin Gujarat Shikshan Samaj, Kumbharia


Affilited To Veer Narmad South Gujarat Univerysity, Surat

At. Sabargam, Po. Niyol, Tal. Choryasi, Dist. Surat-394601, Gujarat State, India


Bachelor of Computer Application (B.C.A.(Honours)) Under the Faculty of Computer Science, Application and Information Technology

Name of Program:

Bachelor of Computer Application (Honours)


B.C.A.(Honours): Four-year Integrated Program. With Multi-Level Entry and Exit option

Multi-level Exit



i) Under Graduate Certificate in Computer Application: If the student wish to exit after completion of First year (Semester-1 and Semeter-2) without any backlog and secure additional 4 credits from work based skill oriented university approved courses /vocational courses / summer internship / Apprenticeship in addition to 6 credits from skill-based courses earned during first and second semester.

ii) Diploma in Computer Application: If the student wishes to exit after completion of Second year (Semester-1 to Semeter-4) without any back-log and secure additional 4 credits from work based skill oriented university approved courses /vocational courses / summer internship / Apprenticeship offered at end of first or second year in addition to 6 credits from skill-based courses earned during first four semesters.

iii) B.C.A. (Bachelor’s in Computer Application): If the student wishes to exit after completion of Third year (Semeste-1 to semester-6) without any back-log and secure additional 4 credits from work based skill oriented university approved courses /vocational courses / summer internship / Apprenticeship offered at end of first or second year in addition to 6 credits from skill-based courses earned during first four semesters.

Multi-Level Entry


As per the norms of the Veer Narmad South Gujarat University


4 year of B.C.A.(Honors) degree program with multi level exit options at

1st, 2nd and 3rd Year to obtain Certificate, Diploma, Degree and Honours

Degree in Computer Application respectively.


Candidate must have passed standard 12th (H.S.C.) Examination in Science (Any Group) / Commerce / vocational / General stream from Gujarat Higher Secondary Board (G.H.S.E.B.) or any other equivalent board (C.B.S.E. / I.C.S.E. etc. which must be approved and possess equivalence\ certificate from Veer Narmad South Gujarat University) with English as  one of the subject

In case of candidates passed out from 12th Board from General Stream;

Statistics/Economics/Business Mathematics/Accountancy must be one of

the subjects. In case of Students passed out with 12th (H.S.C.) vocational

stream, Computer and English must be one of the subject.

Objective of the


Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)(Honours) is undergraduate

degree program in computer application area. Objective of the program is

to open a channel of admission for courses in the field of Computer Science,

Applications and all relevant fields of information technologies to build

career for students who have completed standard 12th (H.S.C.) and are

interested in taking computing/computer Application and Information

Technology as a career.

Main objective is to equip the students with strong foundation in computer

programming languages, coding, database handling, software application

developments, problem-solving skills and development of analytical and

logical skills. The focus is to introduce various programming languages on

different platforms and operating systems, interaction with databases

available on various platforms, software testing, development and

deployment techniques. It also aim to provide knowledge in latest trends

and advancements in field of computer technologies.

The program caters to the needs of the students aspiring to excel in the fieldof computer science, applications and technologies. The program is

designed to develop computer professionals versatile in almost all field of

computer application. It also aim to enhance communication and

interpersonal skills.